
SUSTACE partnership can count on a network of relationships born around common study and professional interests regarding the themes of psychological health and well-being of children and young students at school. The SUSTACE project is promoted and implemented by:

TRANSPARENT activities are primarily aimed at providing direct support to marginalised Czech LGBTI groups including youth (13-21 years of age) to whom it provides psychological, social and legal guidance. TRANSPARENT also organises educational and awareness-raising activities on the LGBTI population incl. youth in the form of private and public presentation, training, workshops and seminars both live and online aimed at better integration of specifically marginalised and stigmatised trans and non-binary persons in school and work environments.

TRANSPARENT has been providing training for teachers at public schools and universities as well as for school psychologists, prevention specialists and other school operators who work with LGBTI youth incl. students with Adverse Childhood Experiences. In addition, it conducts research in the sphere of LGBTI, specifically transgender and non-binary populations and their needs.

DARSI – Addictions, Self-harm and Suicide Risk Italy – is an association committed to support adolescents, young people and adults who are directly or indirectly touched by discomforts resulting in addiction, self-harm behaviours and suicide risk.

The association’s activities focus on the importance of sharing information, help and scientific foundation on prevention of these risks by facilitating egalitarian disclosure to all social groups in the area of population. The group works to help people in distress who, for various reasons linked to personal fragility and psychological weakness or suffering, live situations of detachment and isolation from the world around them.


SOKO Association for the Promotion of Social and Cultural Competences focuses on:

  • Education and Training: SOKO provides workshops, courses, and training sessions on social and cultural competences for individuals and organisations.
  • Research and Development: SOKO conducts research to improve the understanding of social and cultural competences and develop new methods for promoting them.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: with its work, SOKO raises awareness about the importance of social and cultural competences and advocates their promotion in various settings.
  • Networking and Collaboration: SOKO builds partnerships and networks with organisations and individuals that share the same goals and objectives.
  • Resource Development: SOKO develops resources, such as tools, guides, and best practices, to help individuals and organisations promote social and cultural competences. Its areas of work are key to fostering diversity and inclusiveness.

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