SUSTACE e-training course

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Module 4: The Impact of ACE on the Brain and Behavior, Social Relationships, Education

What Teachers Should Be Prepared For

Impaired ability to concentrate and learn: Teachers may encounter children who have difficulty concentrating and learning due to traumatic childhood experiences, which can negatively impact their academic performance.

Emotional and behavioral problems: Children who have experienced ACE may exhibit increased anxiety, depression, or aggressive behavior, as well as impulsivity, which can complicate their participation in class and collaboration with other students.

Reduced motivation and interest in education: ACE can lead to low motivation and lack of interest in school activities, causing students to be less engaged in their studies and struggle to achieve educational goals.

Higher risk of early school dropout: Teachers may face situations where students with ACE show a higher risk of early school dropout or frequent school changes.

The behaviors of child in school can be challenging

If a child has experienced trauma in childhood, their memory may become fragmented and inconsistent, meaning they might not recall the event coherently or completely. Traumatic experiences can affect how we store and retrieve information, which often manifests in the school environment.In school, this can present in the following ways:

  • Sudden memory lapses: Students who have experienced trauma may struggle to recall information they previously learned. They may forget lessons or important details that were recently taught.
  • Inability to concentrate: Due to disrupted memory and the constant subconscious processing of traumatic experiences, students may find it difficult to focus on lessons or tasks, leading to lower academic performance.
  • Inconsistent performance: Students may display fluctuating levels of performance, where they are capable of doing well at times and fail at others, which can be due to trauma affecting their memory and ability to recall information.

Emotional reactions to certain triggers: Specific stimuli or situations in school may trigger strong emotional responses or flashbacks that students are unable to clearly explain because their memory of the trauma is fragmented or repressed.

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