SUSTACE e-training course

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Module 1: Theoretical Basis for ACE

The Prevalence of ACEs, Trends

Over the past 25 years, a substantial amount of knowledge about ACEs has accumulated globally.

 A synthesis of available evidence included 206 studies from 22 countries with 546,458 adult participants. The overall prevalence of ACEs was found to be 39.9% for no ACEs; 22.4% for one ACE; 13.0% for two ACEs; 8.7% for three ACEs, and 16.1% for four or more ACEs.

 Analyses showed that the prevalence of 4+ ACEs is higher among individuals with a history of mental illness and substance abuse, as well as among those from low-income households and homeless individuals.

The prevalence of 4+ ACEs was also higher among minority racial/ethnic groups.

Methodologies and areas of ACE research may vary between countries, so the prevalence will also be somewhat different, but significant, indicating that lower social and material resources within families are among the strongest predictors of child abuse.

The rising trends include household dysfunction, poor mental health, substance use, crime rates, and incarceration.

Alarming trends: ACEs may perpetuate intergenerational trauma. Deteriorated health, lower quality of life are apparent trends. Prevention of child maltreatment is necessary. Incorporating multi-generational care and trauma-informed education can prevent the cycle from recurring.

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